Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Part I of "Stand Up" song

Part II

Happy Chinese New Year greeting

Me, My Body and I

**Activity: Wed, 23 Jan 2008, 3-4pm.

Today, the kids from PCF learnt a lot about their body - from their superb five senses right down to the skeletal structures within. Our volunteer Cindy put together a great session with the use of powerpoint slides, song and dance, and finally ending with a Make-your-own-skeleton crafts session. The kids really enjoyed it, judging from their enthusiasm!

First book - I Like Me!

Song and dance

Second book - The Busy Body Book

Creepy skeleton? Nahhh...

Busy at work...

Our final products!!!! YEA

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Rules and Regulations


-Each patron may borrow a maximum of 4 books using his National Registration Identification Card (NRIC). The EasyLink Card may be used for children not yet issued the NRIC.

-Each book may be borrowed for a maximum of 14 days. Thereafter, a fine of S$0.10 per book will be imposed for each day the book is overdue.

-The Management reserves the right to increase the fine amount, impose an administrative fee of S$10.00 for each book reported lost, and suspend the patron’s borrowing privileges if he has outstanding fines.

-A replacement fee will be charged for damages to property belonging to the Reading Club.

-Payments to the Reading Club are to be made by cash at the Staff Counter.

Because we love Bats...

*Activity: Wed morning, 16 Jan 2008, 10-11am

Children from PCF and Kinsland Educare learned something about batty bats today. Our volunteer Rachel gave the kids a really unforgettable lesson on those creepy mammals. There was a storytelling session followed by an art and craft session where the children got to make batty masks for themselves! Really colourful indeed...

'Teacher' Rachel in the front on bats are mammals...

Children colouring away at their bats...

More colouring...

Ready for a Halloween Party? Posing with Teacher Rachel.

Bukit Timah residents now have a new Reading Club at the ground floor of the Bukit Timah Community Club at 20 Toh Yi Drive. The Reading Club will provide a safe and comfortable air-conditioned environment for children aged up to 12 years old to discover the joys of learning through books, as well as provide the facilities for reading-related activities, such as story-telling, dramatizations, movie screenings and much more.
The Reading Club is a community project jointly undertaken by the Bukit Timah grassroots organisations and the PAP Community Foundation. Run entirely by volunteers, it has already gathered more than 5,000 books as the result of a local book donation drive, and is funded by donations by various sponsors, including IKEA, the National Library Board, Singapore Asian Publications and Shing Lee Publications.

As the Club is located at the CC premises, it will leverage on existing facilities and courses at the CC to broaden the range of activities open to young readers. Through participation in the Reading Club, young readers can be introduced to cultural activities such as calligraphy, tea art appreciation and toastmaster events. This is part of the long-term plan to transform the Bukit Timah CC into a cultural and heritage hub for the region.

Parents are most welcome to join the Working Committee to have a say in the activities they wish to see for their children. In this way, the Reading Club aims to enhance the spirit of active citizenry and community bonding among residents, who will take ownership over the running of the Club.

Interested volunteers may contact the Working Committee at or call 64662912.